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From: "William H. Ansley" <wansley@warwick.net>
Subject: Re: (whorl) Blind Ps
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 23:48:56 

>Ooops, that was Blind Pew, wasn't it? Guess I conflated him with LJ Silver's
>peg leg <g>, Well, up next: Blind Pig.


This can't be coincidence!

In the animated tv series _The Tick_, in an episode entitled "Heroes," a
supervillian calling himself the Deadly Bulb appeared. He was originally
called Pigleg, for the good and sufficient reason that one of his legs
terminated in a pig, rather than a foot, but he wanted an image change. As
the Deadly Bulb, one of his gimmicks was *blinding* flashes of light.

And of course, you all remember the name of the catacrest Silk is offered
before he buys Oreb in _Nightside the Long Sun_: Tick!

"My mind is a scary place"
     -The Tick (from "The Tick vs. the Protoclown")

William Ansley

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