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Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 20:26:10 -0500
From: "Stephen Case" 
Subject: (urth) Susan (Suzanne?) Delange

The other day I came across something that may apply to the story Suzanne =
Delange and may or may not have been discussed before.  Of all the Wolfe I =
have read, that story is the one I understand the least, but from it comes =
my favorite Lupine quote.  It's the one that goes something like (I'm =
quoting from memory): "The thought that had so forcibly struck me was =
simply this: that every man has had in the course of his existence some =
extraordinary experience, some dislocation of all we expect from nature =
and probability of such magnitude that he might in his own person serve as =
living proof of Hamlet's hackneyed precept; but that he has-- nearly =
always-- been so conditioned to consider himself the most mundane of =
creatures, his mind, finding no relation to the rest of his life and this =
extraordinary event, has forgotten it."
     Anyway, I had always wondered what "Hamlet's hackneyed precept" was =
exactly. Perhaps you've all decided this to your own satisfaction, but if =
anyone hasn't: I think it must certainly be referring to the quote that's =
something like: "There are more things in Heaven and on earth, Horatio, =
than are dreampt of in your philosophy".  Am I right?  Is that what the =
list has come to except?  Or are there other ideas?



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