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From: Michael Andre-Driussi <mantis@sirius.com>
Subject: (urth) Wolfean antimatter
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 1999 12:20:05 

We have talked in the past about the curious details surrounding the fliers
of Urth, which seem to have features of anti-gravity and anti-matter.
This, in turn, seems to fly in the face of facts and theory as we
understand them.

A new story, "Has Anybody Seen Junie Moon?" (in the MOON SHOTS anthology),
has a passage that relates directly to our speculations:

"It's only theoretical so far.  But current theory says that although
antimatter would possess mass just as ordinary matter does, it would be
repelled by the gravitational field of ordinary matter.  It would fall up,
in other words" (MOON SHOTS, p. 32).

Interesting to see, cut and dry, black and white: the speculations we
rolled over and over become starkly validated.  Whether the Science be Good
or Bad, this is a concept that Wolfe has toyed with and continues to toy
with; and I am curious as to where he got the idea.

*More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/

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