From: tony.ellis@futurenet.co.uk (Tony Ellis) Subject: (urth) Casting Couch Date: 13 May 1998 15:58:35 +0100 13/05/98 14:15 Casting Couch Ok, here's my (slightly Eurocentric) two pen'th: Severian : Jeremy Irons (tall, lean, serious) Master Palaemon : Sir John Gielgud (old, wise, lovable) Baldanders : Gerard Depardieu (big, powerful, buried passions) Little Severian : McCauly Caulkin (because I want to see him get crisped by Typhon's ring) (in slow motion, ideally) Agia : Sigourney Weaver (one scary adversary) Dorcas : Helena Bonham Carter (lifetime's experience playing drippy girlies) Jonas : Donald Sutherland (deadest eyes in the business) Dr Talos : Richard E Grant (posturing popinjay - did "Withnail & I" make it across the Atlantic?) Typhon's head : Alan Rickman (well, he's done every other OTT villain...) *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/