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From: "Josh Levitan" <josh_levitan@hotmail.com>
Subject: (whorl) Fooey for Fan Fic
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 17:59:44 

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Sorry about the horrid clipping before. E-mail client at work being =

Mantis wrote:

> Why do you seem to be arguing with me when I'm using the terms you =
want me
> to use?  I didn't write "fans," I wrote "admirers of."
> I should take you to task for saying they are "historians."  Good =
> =3Dmantis=3D

But there is, at least, a theoretical difference between the two.  =
sons (and their wives) weren't writing the missing chunks of the TBOTSS
because they thought Silk/Horn or Horn/Silk was nifty.  Just like the
apostles didn't write the Gospels simply because Jesus was a swell guy =
they'd like to continue his adventures.  And the writers of the =
aren't fan fic writers either.  They were filling in gaps in the
"historical" (using the term very loosely) record for reasons of their =
own -- to relate a message they believed to be within the spirit of =
Jesus' life and/or teachings, for example.


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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
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<META content=3D"MSHTML 5.50.4611.1300" name=3DGENERATOR>
<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>Sorry about the horrid clipping before. E-mail =
client at=20
work being screwy.<BR><BR>Mantis wrote:<BR><BR>&gt; Why do you seem to =
arguing with me when I'm using the terms you want me<BR>&gt; to =
use?&nbsp; I=20
didn't write "fans," I wrote "admirers of."<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt; I should =
take you to=20
task for saying they are "historians."&nbsp; Good grief!<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt; =

=3Dmantis=3D<BR><BR>But there is, at least, a theoretical difference =
between the=20
two.&nbsp; Horn's<BR>sons (and their wives) weren't writing the missing =
of the TBOTSS<BR>because they thought Silk/Horn or Horn/Silk was =
Just like the<BR>apostles didn't write the Gospels simply because Jesus =
was a=20
swell guy and<BR>they'd like to continue his adventures.&nbsp; And the =
of the Apocrypha<BR>aren't fan fic writers either.&nbsp; They were =
filling in=20
gaps in the<BR>"historical" (using the term very loosely) record for =
reasons of=20
their own -- to relate a message they believed to be within the spirit =
of Jesus'=20
life and/or teachings, for example.<BR><BR>Narwhal
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV></BODY></HTML>


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