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From: Michael Andre-Driussi <mantis@siriusfiction.com>
Subject: Re: (whorl) Wombat's Wolfe Seminar
Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2001 08:54:51 

Wombat quoted and wrote:
>>OTOH, it does lead to an interesting notion: what if, instead of a FAQ
>>about a book/series/story, what if there was a position tabulation, sort of
>>like a voting ballet, showing broad points ("Participants like the piece"
>>xx%; "Respondents dislike the piece" xx%), then medium points, down to fine
>>detail points?
>Ahah! The Wolfe Seminar! We could all get pink, red, grey, and black balls
>and vote on whether Severian is his own mother....

Which makes me think it might come out more like "Family Feuuud": "Survey
says . . . BOOK OF THE NEW SUN	is a good read!" <g>

But that would be fine on two counts: it would still do the job; it would
reflect the family feud nature of the discussions.<g>


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