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From: "Robert Borski" <rborski@charter.net>
Subject: (whorl) Re: Seawrack's boy toy
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 14:15:33 

Dastardly Dan Parmeter having argued:

<BTW, in examining the archives, a few of us (including Alga I think)
speculated that the Urthly Cumaean seemed a likely Inhuma. Nothing I've read
in subsequent BotSS books seems to contradict this and certain things seem
to shore it up even.>

I'm surprised this argument wasn't resurrected by its proponents earlier,
citing the "Merryn had problems with animals too" line, which seems to
support the notion--especially if you buy into my theory that Merryn is the
biological daughter of the Cumaean.

Unfortunately, the Cumaean-as-inhumu argument seems severely undercut by the
following passage from URTH (p. 357), where Severian is talking to the alien

"...the Cumaean, she was a Hierodule, like you. Father Inire told me."

Famulimus and Barbatus nodded.


Unless, of course, you're now arguing that the inhumi are creatures of

Robert Borski

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