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Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2003 13:16:06 -0700
From: maa32 
Subject: (urth) latro's greek and combat competence

I don't know if this is worthy of posting, but oh well.  If we accept that the 
minor gods of the pantheon can immerse themselves in human flesh for a time, 
Latro's great fighting ability and his facility in speaking Greek are quite 
easily explained.  He's always known how to fight - it is his very nature.  Of 
course the God of war would be up on the latest trends in armed combat - and 
might even innovate a few himself, or know them anachronistically.  And he's 
always heard the greek words of his worshippers, but never had to write for 
himself - minor gods only need to speak to followers, not to write for 

There is one point I want explained before I abandon my "Latro is Ares" 
theory.  The high priest of Pleistorus indicates that his god, the god of war, 
has been missing for some time.  Where has he gone?  Why is he missing?  I 
think that he's missing because he's been trapped in mortal flesh - divine 
light ensconced in the guise of a soldier - "Latro".

I think we are approaching Latro's abilities from a far too "realistic" 
standpoint - I just don't think these Soldier novels embedded in harsh 
empirical realism, where everything can be explained through historical 
contiguity and cultural history.  I don't think Latro is fully human, so he 
exhibits some qualities which are inexplicable, like the ability to touch 
human beings and make them susceptible to the touch of other gods.  That seems 
a little odd to me, and it seems to indicate that Latro can do that because he 
is both fully god and fully man - sharing both worlds, making divinity real to 
man and men real to the divine.  Of course, that could just be my misreading 
of his power.

Marc Aramini


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