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From: "Endy9" 
Subject: (urth) Pandora
Date: Sun, 19 May 2002 19:22:05 -0500

mantis wrote:
>What does it matter what =anybody= else says?  You hate it.  That is your
>opinion.  Tried and tested.  Do you want people to tell you that you are an
>idiot?  Do you want people to brow-beat you into reading it again until you
>like it?  Do you want people to tell you that you are a genius for "seeing
>through all the drivel," for being the brave fellow who says that the
>emperor has no clothes?

What is your reason for writing anything to this mailing list?  Do you want
people to tell you that you are an idiot for any opinion you post here?  Do
you want people to brow-beat you into changing your opinion if they disagree
with you?  Do you want people to tell you that you are a genius for "seeing
things" that other's were not intelligent enough to catch?

Do you really want to attack my motives for writing instead of simply
agreeing or disagreeing and open yourself to the same inspection?

Now to attempt to honestly answer your questions:

I do not look upon myself as the ultimate genius of this world and value
other's opinions.  I might gain insight into why others liked the story and
even though I might not enjoy the story, I would better understand why other
people like it.  I enjoy getting to know other people and what they like and
don't like and why.  That is probably the main reason I post to any message

I also claim my right to like or dislike any work of literature and to state
my reasons why without the motive of trying to change anyone else's
opinions.  If I find a consensus that 99% of people like a work that I hate,
when a friend asks my opinion of said work I will usually respond.  I didn't
like it but many people seem to so you might.

BTW, my apology to the group for forgetting to change HTML to Plain Text in
the last message I wrote.
Be more concerned with your character than with your reputation. Your
character is what you really are while your reputation is merely what others
think you are. (John Wooden)


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