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From: Ron Hale-Evans <rwhe@apocalypse.org>
Subject: (urth) mantis's GURPS book: a review
Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2000 17:44:51 

I have in my hands as I write this the book _GURPS New Sun_ by our own
Michael Andre-Driussi (aka mantis). For those who still aren't aware of it,
it is a supplement to the roleplaying game system GURPS based on the New
Sun books.


* Great chapter-by-chapter synopsis of the five books

* History of Urth

* Lots of maps

* Summary of Commonwealth social structure

* Interesting to see artists' conceptions of Urth; illustrations are
occasionally quite clever (look twice at the one on p. 90 for example)

* Interesting to read some of mantis's explicit guesses on New Sun "mysteries"

* Can be read fruitfully without knowledge of GURPS


* Text and illustrations somewhat bowdlerised for a mass-market audience

* Illustrations occasionally cheesy

* Not long enough! :-)


A must-read for Urthlings! You can order yours at


if you have no enlightened games shops nearby. I ordered mine on a weekend
during the holiday season and received it via UPS 5 days later.


I have no financial interest in the success of this book, but wish mantis
well as fellow listmember and New Sun reader.

Ron H-E

Ron Hale-Evans: rwhe@apocalypse.org  ... <http://www.apocalypse.org/~rwhe/>
Center for Ludic Synergy:        <http://www.ludism.org/>
Kennexions GBG artgame:          <http://kennexions.ludism.org/>
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Positive Revolution FAQ:         <http://www.ludism.org/posrev/>

*More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/

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