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From: Carlos Martinho <carlosom71@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: (urth) Inca Head of Day RE: postmodernism, OTism, continent-i sm
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 18:15:21 

> There are plenty of other details to corroborate the
> theory that it is
> original quechua being spoken, or at least that the
> autochthons are of
> quechua descent.  The dress of the autochthons,
> their reed boats, the custom
> of drinking a tea called "mate" (a peruvian/bolivian
> term) through a metal
> straw (a custom practiced only, to my knowledge, in
> L. Am.), etc. 

Yes, you are right. The mate herb, used fot the
so-called mate tea and the strongest, bitter
"chimarrão", is a plant from South America. The use of
the "bomba" ("pump"), or metal straw is caracteristic
from Southern Brazil, Northern Argentina and (I think)
some Andean countries, too. The bomba is used when
people consume chimarrão in a more traditional

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