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From: Kieran Mullen <kieran@brigit.nhn.ou.edu>
Subject: (urth) Re:  Digest urth.v024.n005
Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 14:26:59 

>From: Peter Westlake <peter@harlequin.co.uk>

>At 02:12 1999-03-02 -0600, Roy C. Lackey wrote:
>>    I have carefully gone over the text and have a theory that covers all of
>>the major plot points in "Kevin Malone" -- I think. It doesn't require that
>>I reveal any private, off-list confidences from Tony Ellis, so don't blame
>>him. In fact, this theory is very different from his. There is no way to
>>explain it without divulging parts of the plot, so be warned!
>>    Well, it all fits. Anyone buying it?

>Nope! Far too complicated. Tony's theory, which I worked out independently
>following his original posting and even extended a little, is much simpler,
>scarier, and fits the story perfectly without requiring so many Malones to
>work at the same house.


   Will someone post/put on the web this second theory?  Mark it with
spoiler warnings if necessary. I'd really like to see it.

                      Kieran Mullen

 Kieran Mullen                         email: kieran@mail.nhn.ou.edu
 Dept. of Physics and Astronomy        phone: (405) 325-3961
 The University of Oklahoma            FAX: (405) 325-7557
 Norman, OK 73019, USA                 http://www.nhn.ou.edu/~kieran/

*More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/

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