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From: m.driussi@genie.com
Subject: (urth) 5HC--CC addition
Date: Thu,  4 Jun 98 20:38:00 GMT

Re: entry for M. d'F (wait a sec, stop right there--"d'F" sure looks
a lot like "d'If," which makes me think of Vance's "Chateau d'If" and
what I presume to be its inspiration, the place in THE COUNT OF MONTE
CRISTO . . . was it the prison itself?  Can't remember) . . .

Add after "sacred places":

--specifically the circular ruins at the mouth of the Tempus and the
sacred cave further upriver, of which he says "I don't know that
anyone has ever seen that."  (This seems to be the trigger for the
quest for the cave.)


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