From: Dan Parmenter <dan@lec.com> Subject: (urth) Casting Call Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 07:39:05 From: "Alice Turner" <al@interport.net> >Dorcas: Sissy Spacek. Claire Danes might do as a younger version. Agreed, though maybe Mia Farrow would work too. >Baldanders: that guy who's in the Billy Crystal movie, though it could be a >computer-enhanced Arnold, I guess. Nah, how about Arnold as Piaton and the head of Yul Brynner for Typhon? >Jolenta: Well, Marilyn, but can we think of someone still alive? The Marilyn fit is awfully good, and given that you've allowed us to walk the corridors of time in search of the right cast at the right time in their lives, why not her? The Marilyn thing runs deep in our culture. Just last week I came across a copy of the classic PLAYBOY Marilyn nude that I had totally forgotten about tucked away in amongst some other posters and prints. It was like finding buried treasure! >From: "William H. Ansley" <wansley@warwick.net> >My Worst Case Scenerio BotNS Cast >Dr. Talos: Wallace Shawn Well actually that wouldn't be bad at all. From: Robert King <bobking@gate.net> >Oh, and I could see Karen Allen (circa Raiders of the Lost Ark) as Agia. Bingo! Okay, so these are the ones I agree with from other people. God, if Charlton Heston were a little taller. I mean let's face it, this movie would have to be pretty much an epic on the scale of BEN-HUR. And about 12 hours long! If I were to play devil's advocate, I'd call it unfilmable, just for its length, but I've heard that some brave soul is putting together a new production of LORD OF THE RINGS in New Zealand, so one never knows these days. Back when there seemed to be a less-than-remote chance that WATCHMEN might be made into a film I vehemently argued against, arguing that it was far too tied into the comic book form and that indeed, its plot was almost secondary to the subtle mechanics of its manipulation of the syntax of comics. This is one of the reasons that I think BOTNS is unfilmable: it's too tied into the literary form itself and indeed, seems to almost comment on it. In a sense, Gene Wolfe has given us the perfect SF story: time travel, spaceships, robots, giant bugs (Hethor's), scantily-clad girls, the works, but to simply present these elements in the usual Hollywood way might leave the less imaginative members of the auidence scratching their heads. I wouldn't mind seeing an animated version of it. D *More Wolfe info & archive of this list at http://www.urth.net/urth/